The Myth and Lie About EU and NATO, Much Ado About Nothing – Svetlana Simonoska!
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The present Macedonian government and dictatorship (and not only that one) installed on the throne by ruthless American imperialism which is going around the world bombing and destroying it, is spreading lies about the EU and NATO. The current rabbit premier of Macedonia-Zajko Kokorajko persistently and constantly going around and deceiving, lying to the exhausted and desperately poor destitute Macedonians that if they self-destruct and forfeit their Macedonian ethnic identity and become members of the EU and NATO they will finally t fill their bellies and satiate their hunger.

They are perpetually propagating and they pontificate about some kind of altruism and higher ideals of humanity ingrained and emanating from the EU of different people and states of Europe coming together which can’t be further from the truth. The EU was conceived and constructed for the interest of the private companies in western Europe particularly in the coal trade and as a prevention to the customs barriers which were cutting into the profits of the private companies in the individual European states. It is well known that production in a capitalist system only happens for generating profits and not to satisfy people’s needs of goods, services, food etc. This means that if you are hungry you can simply die of hunger if you don’t have money to buy food and feed yourself.

That is why 5000 children die of hunger every single day of the year and nothing has changed. About NATO It doesn’t even have to be even mentioned that it is a warlike military alliance defending and attacking everyone and things all over the world for the interests of the private corporations of NATO’s member states. Тhis is best illustrated by the statements of US general Smedley Butler.

NATO is a residue of the Cold war of the past and it should also be thrown on the dustbin of history where it belongs together with the Warsaw pact. NATO says that it is an alliance of friends which is not really true because the constant tensions between enemies Turkey and Greece can erupt at any time. At present global crapitalism dominated by western corporations is in a permanent decline and severe crisis. This crisis spills over into the EU and NATO organisations and the visible accelerating tense relationships and feuds among individual members.The reason behind the terminal crisis of the capitalist system lies in the low earnings and profits of private corporations and the race cut-throat competition between them for higher profits at the detriment of the rival.

A good example today of this dangerous competition which leads to war is Trump complaining to the EU that the EU doesn’t import US products and has high import taxes on US goods. The latest is that higher taxes will be put on Canadian goods going into the US because Trump says that the US has a deficit which is another lie like many other lies of Trump.

Тhe aim of the western rulers of the world (US, Germany, Britain and France) is to relinquish and erase the Republic of Macedonia off the face of the planet and complete the ethnic extermination and genocide of the Macedonian nation. The propaganda of membership of the EU and NATO is the way they plan to execute this plan and aim of theirs.

Nobody yet has given a solid and convincing reason as to why are the western rulers of the universe hellbent on committing ethnic genocide on the Macedonian nation and not on any other nation, ethnic group or state in Europe and wider today. Is it because the Macedonians are not really Macedonians? Is it because they are Slavs who were brand new newcomers that stepped for the first time on the Macedonian peninsula in the 6th cent? Or is it the opposite, that today’s Macedonians have a multi millennia-long continuity of living on the Macedonian peninsula and were always there?

Svetlana Simonoska


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